A Tribute to MIS
Management Information System (MIS) is one of the subject in extension program at Industrial Engineering
Departement University of Indonesia. The students will get it in their 8th semester full package
with 3 SKS, Subject code: IEE 41037E. Ir.M.Dachyar, MSc as the lecture will teach the student about MIS.
So many area of MIS he explained to the students, such as what is MIS, what is it for, why is it
important for us to faced the globalization.The main hierarchy of MIS is how we manage all of our
information we have into a system which is called an information system. we will need this information system
to collect all the information, invetoried the information, store it and put this information into
the form of information needed which mostly based on information technology. The organization
or people can use it to help or just to applied this information system into their job needed. Besides
information system, Mr.Dachyar also teach us and give us the explanation about Knowledge Management,
e-commerce, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), how to read and make a barcode, understanding about
what is system analyst, Business process and how to make and manage a blog. Personally, I really excited
about studying in MIS area, especially about knowledege management and how to sell our self and
make a high value to get a high profit in the eye of many big company. For me, Mr. Dachyar experiences
in information system are really help us to understanding what is the management information system.
Every week he give us a task which is very usefull to understand what Mr. Dachyar explained before in class.
By this task He asked us to find and make a resume from any international journal related to what
his explained before in class. This weekly assignment have a huge portion to make me more understanding
about the lessons he gave, even it's mean every week I have to watch "The Drunken Master" to burn
my spirit.in the end, I realize that all the lesson Mr. Dachyar given to us nowly will be important
and will be the priceless for us in the future.
Hacker views Paris Hilton Facebook snaps
Tuesday, March 25 2008, 15:33 GMT
By Alex Fletcher, Entertainment Reporter

Rex Features
Byron Ng found a weakness in the social networking site's security systems that allowed him to view pictures of Hilton, her brother Barron Nicholas Hilton and Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg.
The personal snaps included shots of Hilton partying after the Emmy Awards.
Ng informed the Associated Press, who alerted Facebook to the security breach. The fault was amended within the hour.
A spokesperson for the site said: "We take privacy very seriously and continue to make enhancements to the site."
So guys, be carefull with your facebook.